The Water Age at the seaside

Thank you to a reader for this shot of my future fiction stories, The Water Age, being read in Cornwall, and for the comment that it is an ‘intriguing, sensual and sad book, reflecting with such careful insight on the nature of water and our nature as watery beings’.  The book is a collection of short stories…

Story Portals

This weekend in Allenheads, Northumberland, a number of brief scifi stories are dotted around the village for visitors to find and step into another world, another time. You can read the stories here: The seven stories by Lisa Chatterjee, Rob La Frenais, Robert Good, Jake Tinsley, Tracey Warr, Ruby Watts and Liz Wells appear at…

Science fiction midsummer weekend

Art, science and science fiction in Northumberland for the Continuum Midsummer Weekend in Allenheads 22-23 June. Exhibitions, workshops, performances and a sunset to sunrise musical drone. I will be running a future fiction workshop with Rob La Frenais. Sun 23 June 1-2pm. Book at We have organised a trail of future fiction portals around…

Writing the Future Workshop

‘On exoplanet 55555b Frank span around, hearing something big in the water near a lilypatch, but missed sight of it.’ Writing the Future workshop, Sun 5 May 2-5pm, Hexham Book Festival, ‘The thrill of an empty planet to do better with.’ ‘Wealths lining their pockets for their exoplanet escape. Capitalism is cannibalism.’ ‘It was standing…

Writing the future

I am leading a writers’ workshop on Writing the Future in Hexham on Sunday, 5 May 2-5pm, together with curator Rob La Frenais. The workshop is part of the Hexham Book Festival. Bring your ideas about the future and develop your narratives with us. Start with a place; consider current social, political, environmental, technological conditions; now…

Future Fiction Workshop

The Continuum project is bringing art and science together via the bridge of speculative literature. The project is organised by Allenheads Contemporary Arts, the only arts venue in the UK with an astronomical observatory. Continuum was launched last night in Newcastle with presentations by artists and interactions with the International Space Station. As part of this project,…

April Writing

March was very busy and I’m hoping to get some settled writing done this month. I’m working in two opposite directions – the future and the past – and trying not to go mad with that! I’m editing a book called The Midden with Jenni Nurmenniemi, which relates to the Frontiers in Retreat art and…

1,000 years back and 1,000 years forward

Some readers of my posts may feel confused by the polarised nature of my activities: on the one hand writing early medieval fiction and the other hand writing future fiction about exoplanets and other life poetics. I get quite confused by this paradox myself! However, the medieval historian Henry of Huntingdon, writing in the 12th…

From Lot to Exoplanet

Looking at details in the Lot Valley to help me create a fictional watery exoplanet. See Lot Valley Log for details and slide show of more research images.